Many of us sf, suspense, and horror
writers owe a debt to the small press.
Those of us who began our careers
in the last half of the twentieth century—specifically, the 1970s, 1980s, or
1990s—honed our craft by writing short stories. We had grown up reading pulp
magazines and paperback anthologies, and what we aspired most to be in life was
a paperback writer who wrote short stories and fast-paced serialized novels
sold on newsstands or through subscriptions.
Our heroes had ascended the ladder
of success via early short stories published in the pulps: Ray Bradbury, Robert
Bloch, Robert Heinlein, Henry Kuttner, C. L. Moore, Leigh Brackett, Andrea
Norton, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Fritz Leiber, Fredrick Pohl, Isaac Asimov, H. P.
Lovecraft, and countless others. Zane Grey, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Max Brand,
Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, and even Faulkner and Hemingway and Stephen
King wrote many short stories for magazines. Seeing one’s own name on a by-line
in a magazine was the gold-standard of success.
But television killed most of the
markets for short stories, especially pulp-style stories. Smart writers
migrated to screenwriting (Richard Matheson, William F. Nolan, Harlan Ellison,
C. L. Moore, Leigh Brackett, William Faulkner, and Raymond Chandler were only a
few of the more successful screenwriters who got their starts in the pulps).
Motion pictures and television shows were really only short stories in
disguise. I view television as the modern reincarnation of pulp magazines
As the number of magazine markets
dwindled, new writers sought alternate ways to get their stories into print.
Fan fiction thrived, and Amateur Press Association APAs—mimeographed or
photocopied hand-stapled magazines—achieved significant circulations. Distribution
or sales in the hundreds and even thousands provided ways for new writers to
get their fiction into print and their names known.
Some amateur publishers became
semi-pros, paying ½ cent or a penny a word, almost as much as early pulp
magazines had offered half-a-century earlier.
Semi-professional publishers became
known as “The Small Press” because their distributions and pay rates were too
small to attract professional writers.
Today many of those small presses
are called “Independent Publishers” because they aren’t owned or controlled or
distributed by one of the Big Five International media conglomerates.
Cemetery Dance Publications, Dark
Regions Press, Gauntlet, American Fantasy, and 2AM Publications began as small
press publishers of magazines. David B. Silva began The Horror Show as a small press magazine in the 1980s. Dave was a writer
himself, and he created a vehicle for new writers—as well as a place for big names
like Dean Koontz, Robert R. McCammon, and up-and-coming Joe R. Lansdale—to
showcase short stories. Dave achieved newsstand distribution, a consistent
quarterly publication schedule, and professional-quality covers and print
production. When the First Gulf War glued Americans to their television screens
to watch play-by-play CNN or Fox News coverage of the war, sales of newspapers,
magazines, and books declined and didn’t recover. Dark Regions, 2AM Magazine, Weirdbook, Pulphouse, Deathrealm, and The
Horror Show folded. Only Cemetery
Dance survived as a continuously published magazine.
The digital revolution in
publishing has seen a rebirth of the small press. Dark Regions Press, Cemetery
Dance, and Gauntlet produce exquisite numbered and lettered hardbounds and
trade paperbacks. They publish short story collections and novels. I support
all of them by buying and reviewing many of their books.
I have supported the small press
since the 1970s. I reviewed the small press under my own name and under my
Irwin Chapman pseudonym for three decades. I served as the Grievance Officer
for the Small Press Writers and Artists Association in the 1980s. I have
contributed stories to most of the small press magazines over the years, and
many of those stories (along with some of my stories that appeared in
anthologies from major publishers) will soon be collected into a new short
story collection entitled The Devil Made
Me Do It Again and Again.
When Eldritch Press announced in
the HWA newsletter that they were actively seeking novels and would pay a
professional advance and royalties, I sent them a proposal for Abandoned, the first novel in my
Winds-series of Supernatural Thrillers. They replied immediately, and I sent
them the full manuscript. They accepted within a week and sent me a written contract
that was more than agreeable. In exchange for an advance, royalties, and a
one-year reversion or renewal agreement, Eldritch would publish Abandoned as a trade paperback, a hardcover,
an e-book, and an audio book. They hired a pro artist to design a dynamite
I informed my then-agent who was
very displeased. Two professional publishers had expressed interest, but both
were taking their time to make an offer. I withdrew Abandoned from consideration, and my agent and I parted ways.
Michael Randolph, the publisher of
Eldritch Press, agreed to hurry the trade paperback into production so the
title would be available at the World Horror Convention in Atlanta in May. We
agreed on a March 1, 2015 publication date. Abandoned
actually appeared on March 3, 2015, and copies were for sale at WHC.
Michael said he wanted to wait to release the e-book, hardcover, and audio book
until we could get advance publicity into place.
Eldritch Press never did do any publicity,
nor did they publish a hardcover or audiobook. I did push Michael into publishing
an e-book version at the end of summer.
I recently heard from other
Eldritch authors that Michael closed Eldritch Press on November 18. The
Eldritch Press website has vanished, along with the Eldritch Press Facebook
page. Copies of Abandoned are no
longer available for sale on
I know from experience that the
time, money, and energy required to sustain small press operations makes it
impossible to live one’s own life. The burden can seem unbearable. If the small
press publisher is also a writer, he or she has no time for his own creative writing.
Family life goes to hell. Constant demands from authors and distributers destroy
perspective. There is simply never enough time for one person—or even a small part-time
staff of several people—to do everything required to acquire, edit, format, publish,
market, distribute, and publicize multiple books. Necessary accounting for taxes
and royalties eat up time and money. Communicating with authors and artists,
negotiating contracts, and marketing published and soon-to-be-published works
can become a real nightmare.
I don’t know if that happened to
Michael Randolph at Eldritch Press. I only know that Michael is no longer
communicating with me and Abandoned
has gone out of print.
Over the years, I have had 43
stories and novels accepted by small press publishers that never made it into
print. At least Eldritch Press actually published Abandoned, and they did a decent job. If I had waited for a major
publisher to produce Abandoned, it
would still be in production. At my age, I can’t afford to wait.
So, thank you Michael Randolph and
Eldritch Press for publishing Abandoned
in a timely manner. I wish you well.
And thank you Crossroad Press for
wanting to produce a new edition of Abandoned.
As soon as I have it edited and I’m certain the rights have reverted to me,
Abandoned will be available as an e-book.
I will continue to support the
small press whenever and however I can. Despite the temptation of large
advances, I can’t afford to wait years for major publishers to bring out my new
titles. I owe a debt to the small press for rushing many of my titles into the
marketplace. I intend to pay that debt.